Free Yourself from Stress and Improve Your Intelligence Faster

Stress is something most people have got used with. Is that sensation which prevents you to relax and forget about your problems, the feeling you get when you are under pressure and feel like you can no longer cope with all the tasks you are given and with all the problems you have to face. Stress is that sensation which does not let you eat or sleep or allows you to fully enjoy the minutes spent with your dear ones.

The majority of the world population suffers from this “disease” called stress. Most of them, as mentioned previously, have got used with it. Yet, this does not mean that they are not affected by the harmful effects of stress, such as loss of appetite, sleep disorders, weight loss, as well as different sores and paints. One of the organs which are most affected by stress is the brain. Feelings of anxiety, nervousness, memory problems, focusing problems and panic attacks are only few of the mental conditions which can result when the brain has too face periods which too much pressure and stress.

In addition to that, the increase of intelligence is practically impossible when it is under the harmful effects of stress. The reasons are multiple and quite easy to understand. First, losing your power of focusing and your patience you no longer have any chance of learning anything, thus you no longer train your brain, fact which results in failing to acquire new information and even start to lose some of the information you already got. Secondly, stress affects your capacity of resting and when your brain is tired, it refuses to collaborate. Thus, any intellectual activity is stopped, preventing your brain from increasing its abilities. Last, but not least, the eating disorders and lack of sleep which are effects of stress have a significant contribution in stopping any mental activity and intellectual expansion.

Thus, if you are thinking of increasing your intelligence, you should first learn how to totally eliminate stress from your life, as this is the time when your brain will start using all its powers and work at its high power. Only afterwards should you start a program which will enable your brain to increase its IQ.

Resource box:

Learn more about how you can ban stress from your life and how you can increase your intelligence by reading… Click Here!  You will find there precious information about the way your brain functions and about the steps you have to undergo in order to improve your IQ.

Roadmap To Genius

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