You probably know that what you eat does
not only influence the amount of energy you get or how much fat do you acquire
on your body. What you eat has also severe consequences on your health status,
on the way in which your skin looks like and last, but not least, on the way in
which your brain functions. The influence of your diet upon health, skin and
overall look has been extensively discussed in many types of articles and
papers. Yet, few people know what damaging effects a wrong diet can have upon
their brain. This is what we are going to talk about in this article.
The brain, just like any other organ,
needs nourishing substances which can give it the amount of energy and
nutrients needed in order to function properly. Thus, foods containing
antioxidants, Omega-3 fats and fibers should be included in your daily meals in
order for the brain to function normally. Once you start introducing this type
of foods in your regular diet, your brain will start working better, will
handle more information and will be able to better resist in stress conditions.
Also, the intellectual capacity will increase significantly, thus improving the
On the other hand, the brain cannot
function properly in presence of harmful chemicals. Some chemicals are ingested
from air and there is nothing we can do about it. Maybe just take a vacation
and isolate in a pollution-free area for a couple of days, for detox. Yet,
there are also a lot of chemical substances people ingest from different types
of food, such as chips and fast-food or drinks, like sodas or drinks containing
chemical colorants. These ingredients not only stop the improving of one’s IQ,
but they have a significant contribution in lowering the intellectual
capacities. Thus, in plain words, if you eat and drink such aliments not only
will your brain not be capable of making further progresses, but it will also
lose its current abilities.
So, if you are thinking about increasing
your IQ you should consider adopting a healthy diet, with lots of fruits, fresh
vegetables and fat-free products. This is the only way through which you will
be able to enhance your intellectual quotient.
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