When it comes to the way in which the
brain functions, people have made up many stories. Some myths even contradict
each other, giving people the impression that indeed the brain is one of the
most mysterious organs from the human body. The most intriguing thing for most
persons is how that there are people who have increased IQ, while others are
only capable of learning a limited number of things.
A very good explanation for the above
mentioned dilemma is the fact that there are people who use their brain very
much and thus force it to continuously develop and there are others which do
not put their brain to work, thus having limited intellectual capacity. Just
like a muscle, the more you use the brain, the better it becomes. Thus, the
amount of time studying counts very much in the further development of the
human brain. What is even more interesting is that, unlike muscles, which tend
to get weaker as you grow old, the brain can function very well and acquire
information even at older ages.
Reading is one of the processes which
deeply stimulates the brain. This is mainly because when reading, the brain is
constantly put in front of new, and sometimes unexpected, situations to which
it has to get used rapidly. Also, there are many connections which need to be
made in order to understand a book and its message and most of the times
previous knowledge about the world is necessary to decipher the hidden meanings
of the book and its symbols, if there are any. Thus, several parts of the brain
are used in order to process the message correctly, fact which enables it to
train and further expand its abilities.
Thus, those who want to increase their
IQ should start reading more. It is highly important that the brain should
always have something to do and never waste any of the time which can be used
for training. The more you put your brain to work, the better it will function
and the more rapidly will acquire any type of information.
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