Improve Your Memory Information - Basic Tips

Your brain is the most powerful machine that the universe has ever seen. It's capable of things that are incredible and although scientist have been studying this powerful machine for centuries, many mysteries still have to be uncovered.

Memory is one of the functions that make the brain incredible. We are able to recall events that happened even decades ago, many times with great accuracy. If we don't take care of our brain and memory, however, its power and capabilities can degrade over time. If, on the other hand, we take care of it and we do exercises to keep it young, we can get to our fifties and sixties with still good mental capabilities.

Scientists have demonstrated that neurons, the cells that populate our brain, can duplicate and new connections can be generated, thus keeping our brain healthy and young.

So how do we keep ourselves mentally healthy? There are many ways to do it. The basic approach is to do some mental activities on a constant basis. The brain is not very different that our muscles in its form of training. The more we use it, the better it becomes. Also, as for our muscles, doing the same type of things everyday will not benefit anyhow. We need to get our mind outside its comfort zone and doing something new almost everyday. This doesn't mean doing something totally different or big. Even little things can improve by a small percentage, and adding these small amounts over a longer period of time can get great improvements.

We tend to forget how much improvement can be achieved in a year if we practice just half an hour a day in anything. That is something like one hundred and eighty hours per year and it's an incredible amount of time for any activity.

Also, the brain can improve by doing new activities, such a learning how to play a new instrument. If you have been thinking about learning how to play guitar, for instance, keep in mind that this hobby can improve your memory. In fact, when i talk about improving your brain functions, i also mean improving your memory a little bit, as it's a function of the brain.

There are more specific exercises and techniques for memory improvement. They are based in a greater percentage in improving your focus. The power of the human mind to stay focused on a task for a long period of time is something like a miracle and it's where all the greatest achievements are made. Unfortunately, modern age have seen the birth of multi tasking activities more and more, and often in our jobs we are forced to multi task all the time. This is literally a mental killer. It's been demonstrated that multitasking damages the brain, so we should avoid it as much as we can.

Finally, our diet can affect our brain and therefore our memory. It's easy to notice that our body is a big system and what we introduce into it through our food is going to affect all parts of that system. The brain is affected by it as well. What you eat is going to affect how you age, and how your mental performance will be affected.

Vegetables and foods rich of anti oxidants can benefit and improve memory dramatically.

So eat as much as you can of these type of foods.

So you learnt how our brain can be kept young and thus how our memory can remain good. I encourage you to take all the care possible towards your biggets gift, which is your brain.

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By Erik Grey.

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