Games to Improve Your Memory - 3 Memory Improving Games That Work Fast

You can play games to improve your memory which is one of the least stressful exercises you can do. Playing games is fun and since it gives us benefits such as improving our memory, there's no excuses not to do these exercises. Here are the games which you can play to help you get a better memory.

1. Doing Crossword Puzzles

Find some crossword puzzles which are challenging for you to do. Don't go for the ones that are too hard. Many people don't do the newspaper crosswords because they are de-motivated by how hard the puzzles are. You need to find puzzles which are not too hard but also not too easy.

When you play a crossword puzzle, you are exercising your brain. You're recalling information and facts from your past experience and knowledge. The more you exercise using your brain to recall facts, the more your memory will improve.

Your brain is like a muscle so you need to continuously exercise it so that it is strong and healthy. Many people have poor memories because they don't use their brain often.

2. Remembering Pictures

Get a magazine and look at the pictures or short paragraphs for about a minute. Then close the magazine and try to write out what you've just seen. For the picture, you can write down what items you just saw. For the paragraphs, just write down all the words which you can remember.

Don't get de-motivated when you do badly in this game. With practice you'll find that you'll get better and better at it. After a while, compare the results you initially had with your current progress. Your memory improvement results should give you a big confidence boost.

What you are doing is training your brain to remember facts in a short amount of time. Once your brain gets used to this process, it knows what is required and will try to do the task better every time. The brain is the most complex organ of the body and also the most powerful. It can learn to do tricks and improve itself without much effort. You just need to repeat the tasks you set out for it.

3. Reading IQ Books

Reading books on improving your IQ is essential if you want to improve your memory. The books have a lot of exercises in them and you need to do these exercises and take it as a game. There are lots more of these IQ questions or puzzles on the internet which you can read.

The games that you play in the IQ books are there to increase your IQ. But they also help you work out your brain which also increase your memory. The ability to remember and retrieve information is directly related to our brain. When we say, we want to improve our memory, what we are actually saying is we want to improve our brain.

The more games you play with your brain, the healthier it becomes since you are giving it exercise. Improving memory begins with the fundamentals first, which is looking after your brain. If you're serious about improving your memory, then you should read more on the subject of memory techniques.

Find out more about the ways in which you can increase your IQ fast and easy by visiting … Click Here!  There you will find a complete program which will enable you to boost your intelligence in a natural and highly effective way.

By Adrian Abel

Roadmap To Genius

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