The intelligence is not something an
individual is born with. Rather, it depends on the environment in which the
individual grows and develops as a human being and on the way in which that
person uses their brain. It is very well known that external factors have a
great contribution in the way the brain evolves during the individual’s life.
How much that individual reads and has cultural activities, the social
background in which that individual lives and the stress to which a person is
supposed are factors which influence the brain development and thus the IQ.
Yet, what most people do not know is
that the food they eat has also a great influence upon the brain and upon the
way in which the intellectual abilities evolve along the years. There have been
numerous articles triggering an alarm signal regarding the damaging effects
that fatty foods and fast foods in general have upon health, but it has almost
never been emphasized that in addition to health problems, the fast foods are
also highly damaging for the brain as they stop any further evolution of the
intellect. There have been cases in which the unhealthy diets have lead not
only to a stop in the intelligence evolution, but to a regression of the IQ.
This is why, it I recommendable that you think twice when eating unhealthy
Basically, the foods which should be
avoided in order to maintain the brain healthy and in good function are those
containing high amounts of chemical substances, high amounts of sugar and of
saturated fats. These are not only real threats to the silhouette and to the
skin, but they have also devastating effects upon the brain.
So, if really want to have both a
healthy body and a brain which works good in any situation you should
definitely give up sugary foods, pastries, fatty foods and sodas! You will see
that after only a short period of eating healthy food your mood will improve
and your brain will start functioning in a more alert way.
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