Improve Your Memory - 5 Juicy Tips to Improve Your Memory

Have you ever wondered if you are going senile and developing symptoms of amnesia? Like me the thought has probably passed your mind. I have trouble remembering where I put things or when people's birthdays are. Unfortunately I don't have a photographic memory but the good news is that anyone can improve their memory. This article reveals five juicy  tips to improve your memory.

1. Tell yourself that you do have a good memory that will get better

Don't put yourself down and convince yourself that your memory is bad. You tend to have a reason for forgetting things. Begin to change the way you think about yourself. Decide that you are going to work on improving your memory. Reward yourself for every little step of achievement you make.

2. Develop New Mental Skills

Exercise your brain requiring complex mental skills to develop. Learn a new musical instrument such as guitar or piano or challenge yourself by playing puzzles and games- one I like to play is chess. My mother in law does a word cross everyday and boy is she alert and on to it! This will keep your brain active.

3. Exercise Every Day

Research has proven that aerobic exercise done regularly improves brain efficiency and helps fight off memory loss associated with aging. You will find that by doing daily exercise, better mental imagery and improved memory uptake will happen naturally.

4. Lessen Stress

Remembering can be much more difficult when one is experiencing chronic stress. Stress will never be eliminated but it definitely can be controlled and reduced. Try some stretching exercises. Allow yourself time to relax, to do whatever makes you feel happier like listening to relaxing music or reading an interesting book. If your stress level is seriously high visit your doctor to chat about it.

5. Focus Better

We meet new people all the time, get into a conversation, find out what their names are then later forget their names. The problem is we are not focusing strongly enough on remembering their names. It takes a conscious effort to recall such things and when you really do this your memory will improve. Try looking at a photo for ten seconds. Then turn it over. Now name as many details as possible that are in the photograph. You will find that over time you will have the ability to remember more details form any photo you glimpse at.

This article reveals five juicy tips to improve your memory. With a bit of effort we all can improve our abilities to recall and remember.

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By Harry Mitchell.

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